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Furniture Builders

Pro Woodworker

Saw dust runs in my veins
What I Like To Work On
Hi, I’m Brandon and I can’t express how excited I am that you chose The Saw Guy as your resource for project ideas, tool reviews, and all-around guide to the world of DIY. I spent years in the construction industry refining my knowledge of various trades and even spent a few years working at a major hardware store. If there is anyone who can help you make a well-informed, unbiased, budget-conscious decision, it’s me and my team. You ready to get your hands dirty? Well, save that for when the real work starts because we’ve taken care of the dirty work so you can keep your mind on the job at hand.
My favorite types of projects involve anything with reclaimed wood. I love the idea of repurposing something into a new functional piece. Challenging myself to transform an old forgotten piece of wood into something that will be used for years to come is one of my greatest pleasures.
Here are a few of the pieces i’ve made over the years.

I thought a scroll saw was called that because of a continuous blade held between two rollers turning in a downward motion as it cuts. To my knowledge it was called that because it resembled a scroll(an ancient book), which is typically read in one direction as are most books. Please reply accordingly.
My girlfriend does not agree that Dewalt tools are better than Milwaukee tools like you said in the head to head article. When I told her that Dewalt won, the reaction was priceless.
It would be cool if you cold do a tutorial about cutting speeds for drills (including vertical-column).
When one one needs to drill a hole always finds the problem of knowing the proper speed
hello just came across your site while researching floor scrubbers….thank you for the reviews theyr great but something it doesnt tell me is wheather these scrubbers clean the grouting of a tile floor? i operate a bussines in my spare time doing grout cleaning in small resteraunts, right now im using a Dupray Hill Injection steam cleaner which is a ausome little machine however larger open spaces of flooring slow me down. so im thinking if i can get a machine for under $3000 that cleans the floor and the grout then i could cut time in half and use my steamer for very small areas and equipment (restrooms,paninini presses, ovens ect….., scubber manufacturer sites dont say to much about it…im using 300 deg at over 100psi with a brass brush to clean grout so im very sceptical weather these machines could do it with out having to go over a floor again and again…any info/experience you could me me would help
I’m looking for a good table saw to buy that comes with table stand after searching some of these saws I have my eye on the DEWALT DWE7491RS – evidently it’s really popular and does a great job. Your guide here is great. What is your opinion on the DEWALT DWE7491RS and ski 3410-2 10 inch table saw.? Which one is best?
I would go with the DWE749RS, Better warranty and options available.
Hey buddy, you have the Dewalt random orbital sander listed for under $40. I’m sure that’s a typo and you might wanna change it, and send me one for that price for informing ya!
I’m looking for the Bosch table saw # 4100-09. I see you offer that item through amazon. I want to confirm it’s 4100-09 and NOT 4100-10 (the newer version) Several retailers still advertise the 4100-09 but are filling orders with the 4100-10. I want the older model 4100-19
Also do you have the accessories; TS1008 and TS1016?
Please advise
Correction item 4100-09 not 4100-19 typo
I can’t seem to find the instructions that were supposed to come with my DIY cutting board, do you have a pdf you could send me?
I’m interested in the Walnut floating shelf DIY project, but had a couple questions:
1) It says slab, is the shelf made from a single piece of solid walnut which is what I think the description implies?
2) Is the back of the shelf router cut to make it fit flush to the wall after mounting on the wall bracket?
hi I am looking for a part for my Ryobi TSS100L miter saw it is the locking handle part number